Our services for your tree plantation project

    Lignovis develops and implements fast growing tree plantations for land owners, investors and the wood consuming industry. An experienced, interdisciplinary team tailors our services to clients demand for each individual project.

    • Site specific plantation approach (soil preparation, selection of suitable varieties and plantation layout, etc.) More...
    • Own production and supply of certified poplar and willow planting material More...
    • Planting of energy wood plantations with own specialized machinery More...
    • Plantation management, Harvesting and wood chip marketing More...

    Bioenergy constultancy and R&D

    Lignovis develops customised tree plantation project as well as biomass supply strategies and sustainability concepts for investors, the wood processing industry and bioenergy projects. Parallel Lignovis is regularly involved in respective R&D (research & development) projects. We always focus on the direct client benefits and long-term sustainability of the project. 

    Plantation projects: more...
    Biomass supply strategies: more...


    Please call us: +49 40-18086953

    or write an email: info[at]lignovis.com

    ... for farmers

    • Comprehensive consulting
    • Plantation establishment
    • Supply of planting material
    • Plantation management

    ... for biomass consumers

    • Market studies on biomass sources and potentials
    • Biomass sourcing strategies and concepts
    • Dedicated biomass production
    • Marketing of wood chips

    ... for Investors

    • Analysis of European and global energy wood markets
    • Development of sustainable investment strategies within the renewable energy sector