Agroforestry systems and sustainable tree plantations with fast growing species contribute to cost efficient climate protection, multiple environmental benefits and a resource efficient, resilient agriculture.
Lignovis has planted more than 25 million poplars, willows and other tree species in 8 EU-countries. The produced wood is utilized as renewable energy source, as raw material in the wood processing industry and to enhance soil quality.
The trees, planted by Lignovis, have the potential to capture more than 70,000 tons of CO2 every year, and depending on the method of utilization, to either substitute fossil fuel emissions or safely lock it away.
Lignovis offers the full range of services for high yielding SRF/SRC (short rotation forestry/coppice) projects and agroforestry in Europe - from consultancy to turnkey project implementation:
- Concept and strategy for cost optimized and environmentally beneficial agroforestry systems and tree plantations
- Supply of certified and high yielding planting material from own nurseries (16 varieties of poplar)
- Establishment and management of agroforestry systems and fast growing plantations with own machinery (incl. site preparation)
- Turnkey implementation of sustainable plantation projects for farmers, energy wood users & investors
- Design and implementation of long-term sourcing strategies for bioenergy projects and the wood-consuming industry
Based on multi-year practical experience with sourcing of different lignocellulosic feedstocks including a wide range of waste materials for bio-refinery projects, Lignovis offers tailor made biomass consultancy services including R&D project participation, LCA's and sustainability concepts.
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